
Monday 1 June 2015

Seventeen Smoulder Gel Eyeliner Review!

I have always been an avid lover and user of gel eyeliners - I just think they're so easy to work with, as I'm totally hopeless with liquid liners. For this reason, I'm constantly picking up new gels to try, however I've found recently that the new ones I've tried have been fairly mediocre, and nothing worth reviewing or repurchasing.

As my favourite gel eyeliner, the Collection Lasting Colour, is starting to dry out, I thought it was time to get myself a new one as back-up. I bought the Seventeen Smoulder Gel on a whim, I hadn't done any research into it nor did I actually hear anyone speaking about it. But for €5.99, I was willing to take a risk on it.

It was a risk that paid off - I absolutely love this gel eyeliner! I've been trying it out for about two weeks now, but my love was solidified when I gave it the ultimate trial run - wearing it to the 5 Seconds Of Summer concert last week. Anyone who knows me (or reads my Tweets, for that matter!) will know I'm a huge fan of the band so any eyeliner that can stand the test of their concert (and the excitement and tears that come with it!) is a good 'un in my books.

The eyeliner comes with a tiny little brush, which is so handy if you're new to gel liners. I personally don't tend to use the brushes that come with the products as I love to use my MAC 209 liner brush to apply gel eyeliner. However I did try out the brush that came with it and it's a great brush for beginners!

The liner itself is matte black, and incredibly creamy. The minute I applied it for the first time, I was instantly impressed by how smoothly it glided over my lids. It applied so evenly, and took little or no work to get my liner perfect. I also love that it takes a minute or two to set, as I always like the option to go back and fine-tune my liner when I've done both sides! So if you mess up one of your wings, you've got a little bit of time to go back and adjust it.

While testing this for the last two weeks, I've only really worn it for a couple of hours and I was quite impressed with how long it stayed. I knew the ultimate test of its longevity would be last week when I wore it to 5 Seconds Of Summer - I had it on about eight hours, in a hot venue with excitement and everything that comes with going to a concert! It lasted incredibly well - it didn't smudge, it didn't crack or flake, and it was still perfect when I got home that night.

For a budget gel eyeliner I was so happy with the results. I'm most definitely going to go back to this eyeliner when I use up my current one. Actually, I've been quite impressed with two or three gel liners I've tried from the drugstore, so I might do a separate post on my favourite inexpensive liners soon.

What's your favourite gel liner?

Zara :-)x

1 comment:

  1. Seventeen is one of my favourite drugstore brands, this sounds amazing x
    Emma | Emmys Blog
