
Wednesday 29 April 2015

My Holy Grail Moisturiser: The Cream by The Pink Cow Brand

It's quite rare that I make changes to my skincare routine - I'm one of those people who likes to maintain a skincare regime that I know works for me and my skin's needs. This means that a product really has to wow me to make me part with my old faithful products!

I had heard a huge amount about The Cream by The Pink Cow Brand, and needless to say I was over the moon when they reached out to me and offered to send me The Cream to review. I had incredibly high hopes for it as lots of my blogging friends were singing its praises.

It most definitely surpassed all of my expectations and has become a firm staple product in my daily skincare routine.

I have always suffered with acne and oily skin, but in the last few months my skin has really calmed down and I don't suffer from many huge breakouts any more, thank God! However it has always had a tendency to look dull and tired - perhaps this is down to the stress of my exams this year, but it's still not nice!

The Cream promises to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone, moisturise, and improve collagen production amongst many other things.

The Cream has provided my skin with the healthiest of glows - several of my friends have actually commented on the fresh, revived look of my skin of late. This is where we get a little bit science-y: it's down to a wonderful ingredient called Colostrum. To spare you the details, basically, Colostrum is given to mammals after the birth of their babies to kick-start their immune system and regenerate cells, meaning that The Cream contains lots of vitamins to support the repair of cells and skin tissue. To summarise my little biology lesson: Colostrum is a miracle worker when it comes to improving the appearance of the skin!

The Cream has a very light, creamy texture that blends seamlessly into the skin and it absorbs instantly - it doesn't leave any sort of greasy residue nor does it leave your skin feeling tacky or sticky.

I use mine twice daily - in the morning and before I go to bed and it just leaves my skin feeling so plump and smooth - like a little mini facial!

I also love the fact that it's 100% natural with no parabens or anything nasty in it. It smells similar to Lush products - sweet but not over-bearing.

The Cream will set you back €49.95 and you can purchase it here. I firmly believe that this product is worth investing in as it will completely transform your skin - it's worth every cent of the price, and I will most definitely be repurchasing it when I finish my current bottle!

Zara :-) x

*Product sent as PR sample for review purposes

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