
Saturday 11 October 2014

My 18th Birthday!

Yesterday I celebrated my 18th birthday, so I decided that today I'd do a slightly non-beauty related post to mark it.
I had an amazing day with my friends and family, and I just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely Tweets I got yesterday!
I was incredibly spoilt by my amazing parents and my friends, so I'm going to share with you some of the goodies I received. You can also let me know what beauty items you'd like me to review for you!

(Yes, that is a Frozen balloon!)
When I woke up yesterday morning, Mum had decorated the kitchen with balloons and a big pink 18th banner! She had set up all my presents on the table so it was a lovely surprise to wake up to! (Also, I mostly say my mum chose everything but they were from both my parents - in my house Mammy McNally does the birthday shopping!)

As I've mentioned in previous posts, my big birthday present is my trip to New York next month, but I was so lucky to receive so many nice goodies yesterday too.
My main birthday present from Mum and Dad are these beauties - a pair of Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120 heels! I'm a big Christian Louboutin fan (as you probably know from my Rouge Louboutin review!) I love them so much and I will actually be wearing them for the first time tonight, so look out for a blog post on that in the future!

Mum wanted to get me something special that I'll always have to remember my 18th birthday, so she chose this adorable pink bunny that has a specially made t-shirt on it - how cute is he?! I love having something to remind me of special occasions, so I'm so grateful for this little cutie!

As you all probably know by now, I'm boy-band crazy! Mum also knows this, so she got me the 5 Seconds Of Summer calendar for 2015! I was in two minds as to which one I wanted when I first saw the One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer calendars, but my mum prefers 5SOS so I think that's why she chose this one haha!

My parents also got me this gorgeous Fearne brush kit. I love getting new brushes, and the quality of these brushes is fantastic so I'm really looking forward to playing with them! I love the teal handles and the chromatic bag they came in.

*deep breaths* My final present from my parents was the biggest surprise - the Charlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita eyeshadow palette! I have been coveting this palette for a few months now, and just last week Mum and I were talking about it, so needless to say I was completely shocked that she went and got it for me! I wore it last night for my birthday dinner and I love it so much! It is definitely my new all-time favourite palette. If you'd like a review of it, let me know!

My brother gave me money to put in my savings tin for America, which I'm so grateful for - he's the best for gifts! ;-)

My little sister got me this gorgeous palette from w7 - it's a perfect dupe for the Naked 3! I love it so much, the colours and pigmentation is so beautiful! I will definitely do a swatch/comparison post on it soon.

After school I went for my birthday dinner with some friends, and Mum got me a One Direction cake too! It was delicious - I ate Harry!

My friends also got me some gorgeous presents, from beauty products to One Direction biscuits (thanks Emma Jane!) I'm so lucky to friends like them. Especially ones who buy 1D biscuits!!
Let me know if you'd like a review of any of the beauty goodies I got!

I had the most amazing day, thanks to my amazing Mum and Dad who spoiled me rotten! I'm so lucky and grateful to have them. I'll never forget my 18th Birthday!
Zara :-) x


  1. Happy belated Birthday, you look like you had a great day!! x

  2. OMG, what an amazing birthday it must have been! *Faints at the sight of all your presents* It's not every day that a girl turns 18, so I'd say enjoy your presents, girl! <3

  3. Happy birthday, sounds like you had a great day! Some fab stuff too - hope you have a great time in NY and I'm loving the 5SOS calendar and the shoes haha, great stuff!

    Jade x ♡

  4. Wauw wat een geweldige cadeautjes! Vooral die schoenen, ohhh! Nog eens gefeliciteerd met je 18e verjaardag :)

  5. The Louboutins are gorgeous! I chose my first pair of Louboutins to be black, although I often find myself wishing that I had opted for nude.. lovely choice!! :)


  6. Happy belated birthday, my 18th is around 8 weeks away haha I can't wait for mine! Those Louboutins are stunning! Great choice of colour. And I'm a little boyband crazy too!! For my 17th last year my friend surprised me in class by making the teacher bring out a one direction cake for me and then he played what makes you beautiful in class and made everyone say happy birthday to me.. it was so embarassing but I laugh at it so much now! Hope you had a good day!! x

  7. Hope you had a lovely day! You got some absolutely amazing presents, lucky girl! x

    tmzn loves / beauty blog

  8. Happy birthday! LOVE your shoes!

  9. Happy birthday, sounds like you had a lovely time. Your shoes are gorgeous and so it the Charlotte Palette :)

  10. Happy 18th Birthday! Sounds like you had such an amazing day. Those presents all look wonderful too, especially the gorgeous shoes!! I went to New York for the first time last year, it is such an incredible place, i would go back in a heart beat!

  11. ARGHH you got Louboutins - how amazing! They're beautiful. I hope you'll share pictures of them on :)

    And happy 18th birthday woooo. Have a great year!

    Iram @ Lovestruck for Louboutins
