
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Skincare Staple: Dream Dots!

The last few weeks, my skin has been acting up like crazy - I have no idea why or what is causing it, so I've been trying lots of new skincare items to try and calm it down.
I had heard so many people rave about Dream Dots that I was desperate to try them! Dream Dots were kind enough to send me a pack to try out and the verdict is in: they are AMAZING!
 Dream Dots are an emergency overnight spot treatment to help calm, clear and heal breakouts. You apply the dot before you go to sleep, let the dot work its magic overnight then remove in the morning and cleanse your skin. Repeat the process until you're satisfied that the pore is healed.
I was intrigued to see how these would work on my acne prone skin, because as I said my skin has been much more problematic than usual the last few weeks.
I had two very angry looking spots on my cheek so I decided that I would hand the issue over to the Dream Dots - I cleansed my skin as usual then stuck a dot on both of the pesky spots. The following morning I removed the dots (do this slowly or you'll be in pain!!) and inspected my unwanted friends - the redness was gone and the head had shrunk!
I was so impressed, normally it takes me four or five days to get rid of a spot whereas the Dream Dots got rid of two in a night!

I think Dream Dots are a must-have for everyone's skincare emergencies - they're a perfect solution for a spot that creeps up a night or two before an important event. You get 24 dots for €15, which is totally worth it in my opinion.
If you have acne prone skin like mine, I wouldn't recommend using a Dream Dot on every last spot on your face - you'd end up going through a pack a day! I save my Dream Dots for spots that I know I won't be able to get rid of without a fight. They're also ideal if you feel a spot coming up to get rid of it before it even comes!

The dots are so easy to use and are so effective, I wish I had found them sooner!
You can buy your Dream Dots at:
Also be sure to follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

  Let me know if you've tried Dream Dots or if you intend to!
Zara :-) x


  1. I also have acne prone skin and these sound great! I'd love to try them in the future xx

  2. These sound really interesting. Great review :)

  3. My skin is usually good but I do get the rare spot every now and then, will check this out for the rare occasions.

    Reflection of Sanity

  4. I have never heard of these before but going to give them a try!

  5. I've seen these around so much recently, I'd love to give them a go when I get the chance to find/buy them! xx
