
Saturday 9 August 2014

Meeting Pixiwoo!

If you follow my Twitter or Instagram, you may already know that yesterday I met Pixiwoo! Emma Jane and I had an amazing day meeting them and also meeting other fans, so if you'd like to know what happened please keep reading!

We got to the Jervis Street Shopping Centre at about 10am, and the meet-up was due to start at 12. When we asked the staff at Boots what time they recommended us queuing at they told us the barriers would go up at 11. Instead of leaving the centre we decided to just roam around the shops and have a look so that if the queue started to get busy we could just hop in!
We joined the queue around 11 and at that stage there were only about 10 people in it, but it began to fill up quite quickly after that. We were queuing for about 45 minutes but it felt much shorter as we were talking to a few people in the queue. While we were queuing we also got some random little goody bags, which is always nice!
Finally we heard that Sam and Nic had arrived, and they then came out to the queue and waved to everyone and filmed some footage for their channel.
After a few minutes it was our time to meet them and I was so excited! It was so surreal to see them standing in front of us - I've been such a fan of theirs for about three years now so it see them in real life was crazy!
When it was our turn to meet them Nic gave me a hug and asked my name. We were talking for a few minutes - I was obsessed with her falsies and she was telling me about them! She told me she had two pairs on but I'm so annoyed that I forgot to ask her what they were!
 Then we swapped and Sam gave me a hug and I was telling her that I had copied one of her tutorials, which she seemed thrilled about! She said it was beautiful, which made my day! (Check back on Monday for my make-up of the day post to see what my make-up was like!)
After that we got our picture taken with them and they gave us some signed pictures.
The best thing about meeting them was seeing how down to earth they are despite their success - the conversation flowed naturally with them and they were so easy to talk to!

Here are some pictures that a lovely lady took for us:

Getting ready to take a picture! 

 And finally, here's our picture with Sam and Nic! As we expected, they were equally as beautiful in real life and they have the most flawless skin I've ever seen! Jealous is an understatement! 
It was amazing to finally meet them after idolising them for so long, they are the main reason why I love make-up so much and why I can actually blend my eyeshadow! Literally every bit of information I know about make-up I learned from Sam and Nic.
We had a great day and they are two of the loveliest ladies I've ever met - I'm over the moon to have met them!

 So that's my experience meeting Sam and Nic! Have you ever met them?
Zara :-) xx 



  1. Hiya :) thanks for following me :D when I saw this post I got so excited! I want to meet them too!! They are my idols. I also learned everything from them (and from Tanya Burr). have a lovely day xxx

  2. Looks like you had a great day meeting Sam and Nic. You look lovely Zara :)

  3. Oh wow, looks lovely! Your dress is really nice also :)
    millie x

  4. Lucky you! The Pixiwoo sisters are lovely!

    1. They really are! And they're so beautiful too! x

  5. It sounds like you had a great day :) I love watching their videos, they seem like lovely people! : Student Box Swap


    1. It was so good! Their videos are fab aren't they?! x

  6. OMG! love Nic and Sam.You look lovely.
    xx :)
