

As a blogger, I'm incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to work with a vast range of beauty brands to provide reviews for my readers. I am always 100% honest with my readers, whether the product has been sent to me or not, and that will not change.

I always state in my blog posts if I have been gifted a product or not so there is no confusion. The source of the product will never change my review, it will always been completely and wholeheartedly the truth. If a product I am reviewing has been sent to me, you will see the following at the end of the blog post:

*Products provided for review.

I do not use affiliate links, so any product that I have provided a link to is purely to save my readers from trying to find the product. I don't earn anything from them!

I do not accept compensation for any blog post I do - I blog purely as a hobby, not as a job of any description.

If you have any comments or queries, don't hesitate to get in contact via e-mail or Twitter:

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